The Dream Catcher

The spider woman watched over her children, who were a part of the Ojibwe Nation. All of her children were located in one area, but as time had passed her children spread across other nations, and it became more and more difficult to keep track of all of her children. She created the dreamcatcher to watch over all of her children and also to give them good dreams, to give them hope when they wake up. The bad dreams would get stuck on the web of the dreamcatcher. Them good dreams would go through the web and gently travel down the beads and feathers of the dreamcatcher to the person sleeping. The dreamcatcher would traditionally have 8 points to represent the spider woman's 8 legs. In the morning, the bad dreams that had stuck to the web would perish when the first rays of sunlight hit them.

I decided to make my dreamcatcher have some memories placed in different places of the dream catcher. The centerpiece of dreamcatcher is two roses. The taller rose is my brother, who is someone that I look up to. The other rose represents me. The reason they are roses is that when I was very young, my brother drew a rose, and I loved the drawing very much. I had always liked art but at that moment I had realized that I really loved art. Art is my bliss, and it is a part of my life.

The reason the feathers are blue is that at the end of the day, I want things to different from what my reality is. So I chose what is known
to be the opposite color of red, blue.

I chose to put 9 points on my dreamcatcher because that is my lucky number. This is because when I play monopoly with my family my winning number is usually 9. That is a time when I feel close to my family, and I am happy.

I painted black over the white string, which is the web itself. This represents the bad parts of myself that aren't exactly a natural influence but more as something that has damaged me. I also purposely placed the black around the center of the dreamcatcher because I will not let my struggles influence my passion.

The reason the hoop has a tan/beige color is that when I was a baby, I started coughing blood out of nowhere. My dad and mom hopped into the car with me, and my dad was speeding through every red light to get to the hospital. My dad's car was beige like the hoop. So I make the hoop look like the wheel that my dad steered to save my life.

I do not care about whether or not I have pleasant dreams, so long as I have meaningful dreams. I want to have a dream about what my purpose is. What may happen in my life, and about what will happen with other peoples lives? If I could, I  wouldn't want to dream about my the struggles in my life, and what could have caused them to happen.
