The Runes of Mancashe

In Game Changers we spoke with experts in game making, and visited a place called the wasteland to buy materials to create our very own board game. We studied different game mechanics and incorporated quality mechanics into our game. Te following is the history of our board game, and what the final prototype has come to be.

This is a video to get you started on our game!

This is a Slideshow showing how The Runes of Mancashe started off, and became revised over time.

Our game is meant to teach people that violence is not always the answer, and that you can move on from your anger. Our game is intended for young teens to utilize the story that we have created and relate to their own life. In the Runes of Mancashe.

In The Runes of Mancashe, you play as one of 5 characters with a goal each with one of two goals, and different reasons. You can collect charisma points to convince players to form alliances. Collect items and a key to defeat a great evil known as, Mancashe.

Here is an embeded ISSUU of the rules in the game.

Creating a Game from scratch requires a lot of testing and hypothesizing. It was a lot of fun to sketch and shade a board game, since it was my first time. I learned new techniques from the brushes I used, and I hope to use what I learned from our next prototype. We have made a lot of changes to our game. We went from randomized pathways that were not tested to see if the game was fair, to counted and measured stones. I put a lot of thought into the layout of the paths and had help from several people to come up with the best design.

One of the most surprising things about play-testing the game, was how little the game needed to be entertaining to everyone. I had believed that there would need to be many functions in the game to keep everyone entertained, but simply rolling a die and hoping you'll win was enough. We have added more to the Functions, and hope that it will be enough to satisfy everyone who plays.

It was a big struggle for our group to come to decision when we talked about the functions of the game itself, and how players would move. In the future I hope to organize my time better, and not underestimate the time it takes to make sure all functions in a game are fair. I am most proud of the design I had made for the board, and the designs I made for the flowers. Anyone who is colorblind, can easily tell where to place certain pieces on the board, and still see the game in a beautiful way.

I feel like I have made a important impact on our game, and Im sure if I had not thrown in my efforts our game would not be the way it is now. I have dedicated myself to the artwork and fairness of the board game, but I cannot thank my group members enough for contributing their strengths and knowledge to the game.


  1. Wow, you guys rock! Thanks so much for sharing your talent. We had an amazing time playing your game. Amazing!!!


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