17 hours of endurance

Hey there. The answer to your question is yes, I spent 17 hours focusing on one thing. The idea was to spend only 12 hours, but animatics are no joke. It takes time and lots of problem solving to get through one project. This project will be one of my last Action Projects from my Humanities class. This spring term, and unit of Endurance has been very eye opening for myself. I have really stepped out of my bubble of perfectionism and let another side of me run wild. With this part of myself opening up, I realize now what I am capable of, and what I really want for myself. I have endured so much from this past 2020. I did not realize a pandemic would help me face so many demons at once. This action project is a reflection of who I feel I am today's and accepting the reality I live in. 

Before this project, we looked at the history and the journey of many great figures who have endured so much in their lifetime. Both voluntarily and involuntarily. Elie Wiesel and his story told through his book, Night, David Blaine, and Lauren Dekker have been great inspirations to our class and myself. I really connected with Lauren Dekker's journey across the world, and her ability to pursue a simple idea in her mind. Dekker was looking for freedom and achieved it because she had made the choice to endure something that she knew would change her life.

Below is an Animatic I created for the 12 hour challenge, with another video reflecting on my work, and going though what I was feeling as I endured every hour of the challenge. I know that I didn't achieve everything that I had hoped to, but I am happy to say that I did something I am satisfied with.

If you've watched the video above, watch this video to see what was going on behind the scenes of this animatic and a reflection of my work.

Below is a log of all the work I have done. Time stamps, dates, and reflections of what I achieved each day.





Sunday May 9th

1 hour

Brainstorm, getting the idea on paper

Sketched out ideas. Roughed out some storyboard parts. Basically threw everything in my mind on paper. 

  • Music

  • Duration

  • storyline

The problem I have is finding the right pacing for the writing on the wall with the music beats.

I need to keep asking myself, How can I make sure that the irony is understood?


May 13th

2 hours

Make a  storyboard of animatic

Made only a page of the storyboard. Helped to get a timeline down, and had keyframes ready. Recording a timelapse put a lot of pressure, will probably not do that for the animatic parts

Thursday May 13th

3h 30m

Create backgrounds for animatic

Was going to draw multiple but realized I needed only one. For closeup shots I could zoom into the picture, rather than redrawing it.


May 14th


Edit song with echo

Edited the music to fit the story and pacing. Then I added the music onto flipaclip to animate with.


May 15th

5h 30m

Drawing Frames

Animated the intro. Was very quick and relatively easy. Felt good about my work pace. Animated enough ‘hand painting’ cycles to repeat them.

I wanted to make more but knew I was running out of time. I knew not even half was done, but the hardest part was over. Felt confident.


May 16th

4h 30m

Drawing Frames

Finished the animatic. Ran through it a few times to make sure the right layers were on, and most glitchy frames were cleaned up. I knew the animatic wasn’t perfect but the main idea was down.

5 days

17 hours

